Wednesday 18 June 2014

James Blunt - 'No Bravery' video

Before he became a famous pop star James Blunt  served as a member of the British Armed Forces in the former Yugoslavia during the Balkan conflict in the late 1990's.

He wrote this song when he served there and saw first hand the horror that war and mass killing can bring. What do you think of this song or the video? What is he trying to say through the lyrics? Post a comment....


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. this song really tells us a inside view of what happened in the valkans

  3. this song is a really emotional song that show us what james blunt saw while he served

  4. He wrote this song while serving in the military. Its a very impacting song

  5. This song is very easy to understand that it is about what he saw in the war and how he saw it in his own perspective...

  6. here is a link to the worst human rights abuses of 2013

  7. this video really shows what actually happens.This is a very emotional song.

  8. this is song is very touching and sad at the same time.also you can see the passion and the realty of what james is sing about in his eyes


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