Wednesday 11 June 2014

50 years of Amnesty International video - blog comment task

Watch this animated video which provides an overview of the work Amnesty International does to address various Human Rights issues around the world.
Pick one of the following issues that is covered in the video, watch the section again (take some notes and do a bit of further internet research) and post a comment about it.
  • Freedom of Expression/Prisoners of Conscience
  • Torture and Terror
  • Refugees and Asylum Seekers
  • Arms Trade
  • Death Penalty
  • Women's Rights
  • Indigenous Rights
  • Poverty
The comment should include:
  • your personal opinion on the issue
  • some facts and statistics
  • a particular person or country where this issue is highlighted
  • what Amnesty (or other groups) are doing about it
  • other examples as appropriate 


  1. it's cool how they have helped all theses people get out of jail for freedom of expression

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. 140 countries have used the death penalty in recent history. In 2012, only one country, Latvia, still uses the death penalty today for all crimes. In 2011, 21 countries around the world were known to have carried out executions and at least 63 to have imposed death sentences.

  4. torture and terror. i think this clip is a bit harsh on the issue of terror and torture this is is an issue all over the world this is an real big issue in china the law is trying to stop this 1 in 4 people live on less than $1.25 U.S$ A DAY 963 million people go to sleep hungrey a woman dies every 90 seconds because of child birth 1 billion people lives in the slums

    1. i know i need to do a spell check soz boys

    2. how do they live on $1.25 i need at least $10 every day

  5. 1 in 6 people in america struggle with hunger
    millions of people are at risk of hunger.
    definition of hunger: a feeling of discomfort or weakness caused by lack of food, also the desire to eat.
    There are 66 million primary school children go to school hungry in america


    2. link i found to an article on hunger in nz

  6. This was a very interesting video. To find out that in fifty years they have grown so greatly is amazing.

  7. 1 in 6 people in america struggle with hunger.
    definition of hunger: a feeling of discomfort or weakness caused by lack of food, also the desire to eat.
    There are 66 million primary school children go to school hungry in america

  8. algood video but its actually sad how many people dont actually know this stuff still happens today but the people that do are sometimes like oh... sucky for them. yes everyone has their own problems but solving these issues could help you as well chur 10 X

  9. i found it interesting that the human right were made along time ago and that thyr not compulsary

  10. Women's Rights. Even though there have been great strides in the subject there are still places were women are trafficked or are forced to do something because of religion

    1. there is so much abuse towards women :(

  11. 66 million people go to school starving aged from 5 to 10 years old, its wrong g

  12. this videos good. But people don't know that most kids go to school staving and stay starving the whole day and have to scab off there friends for food. Its not good, not good at all.

  13. native people in auz are more likely to go to jail than a white guy

  14. this video has alot of information about whats happening overseas

  15. That's pretty ratchet how 1 in 3 women are raped,murdered or been abused aggressively.

  16. This video has a lot of information about the world around us that we may not even know of. It shows of people that suffer and shows how much of a better life we have

  17. i think it's inspiring that people have the bravery to free these people from they're misery of unfair and unlawful imprisoning.(800 men at Guantanamo bay).

  18. Its Pretty amazing how there are 8 million lightweight pistols produced every year. thats twice the ammount of people in NZ



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