Tuesday 24 June 2014

Fairtrade basics

Short YouTube clip we viewed in class - covers the Fairtrade basics in  a nice simple way. Remember that we are looking at Fairtrade as an example of a SOCIAL ACTION in response to a Human Rights issue (in our case Child Trafficking and Slave Labour in the cocoa trade). Watch it again and post a comment for revision purposes...


  1. this video was very interesting and changed my veiw about fair trade bananas

  2. I find it a bit sad how they do heaps of hard work but only get paid a little of money

  3. this video helped me realize that we should be buying bananas and other products such as chocolate that have the fair trade logo on them. that means they are getting a fair price and the workers and communities are getting fair hours. it also means the community will get money put towards stuff they want.

  4. that's really changed my thought on buying fairtrade bananas

  5. we should buy fair trade bananas.

  6. I think we should have a fair trade shared lunch

  7. that's quite interesting how the fairtrade bananas are only 18 cents more expencive

  8. i really hope that people get more into buying fairtrade casue i sure am

  9. i recon people should consider buying fair trade products so that the people who harvest them can get money out of it.

  10. it is amazing How a plane can spray Chemicals over the Bananas that are Harmful to humans when they are working which can cause Diseases and everyone deserves a Healthy life.

  11. This video opened my mind to the facts like how fairtrade effects the lives of the farmers in the third world country


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