Wednesday 5 November 2014

Exam basics

Kia ora koutou

Some basic tips for the exam on Monday 17th November (morning)


Five sections total - skills section plus 4 unit sections

  • Skills section - you must answer both questions - know your continents, know your world map and tropic lines, prime meridian, equator and international date line.
  • Units - you must answer four out of five sections ONLY (e.g. leave one out) We agreed to answer the units on:
  • Game Changers - choose ONE out of Gandhi, Hitler or bin Laden to write on in detail
  • Treaty of Waitangi - Choose ONE out of Northern Wars or Bastion Point for the extended answer
  • Human Rights - extended answer should be on Child Slave Labour in the Cocoa trade OR Fair Trade (but these overlap so don't think you can't mention both, in fact you should)
  • Sustainability - Extended answer should be on impact of Global Warming drawing on case studies of Tuvalu, Great Barrier Reef and glacier melt
  • IN ALL UNITS you will be expected to demonstrate knowledge of AT LEAST three glossary words (for example, using the word in a sentence)
You only have two hours so you will need to work fast. This may seem like a long time but if you break it down this is only 24 minutes per section. If you spend too long on the short answer questions at the start you may not leave enough time for the extended answers.

DO NOT leave out the extended answer sections - at least write something down!


Prezi on Bastion Point

Planning on writing about Bastion Point in the exam? this is worth a look...