Wednesday 27 August 2014

Another great Northern Wars online resource

Follow this link (click the image) and do some further reading boys....

Map of the Northern Wars

Here is a useful map, outlining the key battles and dates of The Northern Wars - do you know two key battles in detail that you will be able to discuss in the test? E.g. Kororareka, Puketutu, Ohaewai, Ruapekapeka?

Te Ara - The Encyclopedia of New Zealand

Here is a great online resource boys.....Te Ara or The Encyclopedia of New Zealand. Click on the screenshot below to hyperlink through to their page on The Northern Wars. Click through on some of the extras down the right hand side to increase your knowledge of the wars....

The Battle of Ohaewai_handout

Again, you should have this handout pasted in your books but here it is in digital form, just in case. Kawiti's Pa designs were technical and strategic masterpieces. The British forces learned a great deal from their ingenious designs. Even though the Pa was abandoned by Kawiti the battle was a resounding tactical defeat for the British in the Northern Wars and it well and truly signalled to the British that they were facing a formidable and well prepared foe.

War in the North handout

You should already have this handout but just in case.... This has been directly loaded from google docs - it has automatically created a text only version below the image. Be advised that this contains multiple spelling errors as the text has been automatically generated by a computer - so beware if cutting and pasting!

Tuesday 26 August 2014

NZ Wars DVD extract

Here's a section of the James Belich DVD on the New Zealand Wars - this section focusses on Hone Heke chopping down the flagpole for the fourth time which led to the sack of Kororareka (Russell) and signalled the start of the Northern Wars.
Remember, the Northern Wars will be the basis of one of your extended answers in the end of unit test.

The New Zealand Wars - The War that Britain Lost (Episode One)